The Pacific Garden Program, with its interactive edible gardens, has an educational mission; demonstrating how to grow produce in a more sustainable manner, educating conscientious consumers, and creating strong connections. The Pacific Garden Program encompasses the Ted and Chris Robb Garden on the Stockton Campus and the Sacramento Campus Community Garden.

We provide opportunities for Pacific students and the wider community to learn how to build healthy soil, grow nourishing food and have enriching encounters with nature. The gardens are experiential learning spaces where students can connect their classroom learning to hands-on practice. We regularly welcome volunteers of all ages into the garden to gain confidence, exchange stories, relieve stress and to inspire future gardeners.




Garden Student Volunteer in Robb Garden
Our Gardens
Ted & Chris Robb Garden

At the Ted and Chris Robb Garden, organic vegetables, herbs and fruit are grown right on Pacific's Stockton Campus and made available to students, local community members, faculty and staff. Produce is grown by student staff and is available at garden markets as well as the pacific Food Pantry spring through fall. 

The idea for a campus food garden on Pacific's Stockton Campus first arose from former Pacific students Fiona Kelly ’08 and Vinny Johl ‘10. Their vision was made possible by a gift from former Pacific Regent Walter Robb, who, at the time, was CEO of Whole Foods.

Our gardens
The Community Garden in Sacramento

The Community Garden is maintained by student, staff and faculty volunteers in the McGeorge School of Law and Health Sciences Programs. It enriches the student experience by providing nutritious food, stress relief, hands on learning experiences and opportunities to meet and connect with fellow Pacificans. This collaborative space was started by Environmental Law Society students in 2010. Any member of the Sacramento Campus can volunteer and partake in harvest.

Sacramento Community Garden
Bon Appetite Garden
Our Gardens
Bon Appétit Native Plant Garden

This garden was established with over seventy varieties of California native plants and rock specimens selected by Pacific biological and geosciences faculty. The garden serves as a learning laboratory for students to explore unique geology and eco-systems. It also displays low-water, plants that support biodiversity in the region. The Pacific Garden Program features the gardens in engagement and it is maintained by Pacific’s Grounds Department.

We hire for the academic year and the summer. All Sustainability student positions, including student gardeners, are posted on Handshake.

Come spend time in the garden, learning to grow food by helping to plant seeds, prepare beds, transplant, make compost, and beautify the space. No experience necessary. We look forward to welcoming you to the garden. All Garden and other sustainability volunteer opportunities are listed in the Sustainability Volunteer Portal. If you want a monthly newsletter email reminder about opportunities or are interested to volunteer as a large group, please reach out via email to

Garden tours are available by request for classes. The space can also be used for internships or research with approval from faculty and Garden Coordinator.